
How Caffeine Affects the Nervous System

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Caffeine is a stimulant from coffee that acts on our nervous system for a certain time, reducing our tiredness and providing us with more energy. Contrary to what is thought, it does not accumulate in the blood but is eliminated within a few hours of taking it. Although not all individuals the effect of caffeine acts in the same way, it does have an influence on our body. To know what these effects are, in a How we are going to tell you how caffeine affects the nervous system of the human body.

Steps to follow:

1. Being an energizing substance, caffeine stimulates our daily activity and causes us a feeling of euphoria for a short period of time. It clears us in such a way that we can feel stronger soon after ingesting it but, depending on the time we take it, it can cause insomnia, so it is advisable not to do it beyond noon to avoid this problem because of nights

2. Caffeine stimulates the brain because it interferes with the natural action of our adenosine, which is a nerve transmitter that causes us to relax. Thus, by keeping us awake, caffeine influences our intellectual activity and stimulates our creativity by making us feel stronger and more active and helping to increase the adrenaline levels of our brain. By facilitating our attention, our intellectual effort is benefited.

3. As adrenaline levels increase, caffeine increases physical performance when doing sports because it acts on our heart increasing its contraction strength and blood pressure. This is how resistance increases, making it ideal for those aerobic or long-term exercises. That is why it greatly influences athletes, since caffeine increases their concentration abilities and decreases their physical fatigue, which produces a better result in sports brands.

4. According to medical studies, caffeine, by decreasing muscle fatigue, also acts on the respiratory system, so we can talk about a bronchodilator substance that can help reduce symptoms in asthmatic people. By stimulating the function of our lungs, caffeine improves the activity of the respiratory tract and can be used as a treatment in this type of patients.

5. But caffeine generates some dependence after daily consumption and has the disadvantage of creating insomnia and restlessness. Since our body becomes accustomed to its consumption, we tend to increase it, which can cause us a cardiac and respiratory alteration due to an increase in the usual dose. Other symptoms that we can feel for their consumption without measure are tremors or the perception of altered reality. In addition, in the case of being pregnant it is recommended to limit your intake.

That is why it is convenient that we make a rational use of this substance without raising the daily intakes beyond our tolerance that we acquire every day when consumed. We cannot speak of an addiction proper, since those who consume it do not show compulsive behavior or lose control, which are the most common symptoms of an addiction such as when using other substances such as alcohol or drugs.

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