    Sunday, February 9, 2025

    Does An Apple A Day Really Keep The Doctor Away?

    Most of us grew up with the expression: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but where did this saying originate from, and what was the original meaning behind it?

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    According to NCBI’s Association Between Apple Consumption and Physician Visits, it originated in Wales. In 1866, it appeared in a publication in another format: “Eat an apple on going to bed and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” In 1913 the expression made its appearance again, but as we know it today.

    Is there any truth to this expression? Or is this just a statement made in the past to avoid health practitioners, because people then didn’t trust them? Research has proven that apple is not only a nutritious fruit, it also has multiple health benefits.

    Apples Health Benefits

    Apples are available in various colors, taste and texture. Thanks to the global marketplace, we are also privileged to find this fruit all year round at grocery stores.

    Apples contain antioxidants, pectin, polyphenols, high flavonoid content, are low in GI (glycaemic index), and are rich in fiber. Eating an apple a day may help:

    • Increase body endurance
    • Aid digestion
    • Body detoxification
    • Boost immunity
    • Avert hemorrhoids
    • Neutralize IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
    • Aid weight loss
    • Detoxify your liver
    • Lead to better blood circulation
    • Lead to white teeth

    American Journal research for clinical nutrition found that of the primary flavonoid sources, apple intake is a popular way to help alleviate some symptoms of the chronic diseases listed here:

    • Mortality from ischemic heart disease
    • Cerebrovascular disease
    • Cancer
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Cataract
    • Asthma

    With many health benefits, including apples on your shopping list makes sense. For those of you rolling your eyes at the thought of eating an apple every day, don’t despair. You can eat an apple a day in many other delicious ways, from various apple pies, chutney, jam, cake, salad, and more recipes for any occasion.

    Apple Benefits For Your Skin

    Did you know that consuming apples also has fantastic benefits for your skin? We always read about the benefits of honey, cucumber, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon (to name a few) for our skin, but if you didn’t know about apples, then I have some news for you!

    Whether you consume the fruit or use it directly on your skin will depend on what you would like to accomplish. So let’s have a look at what an apple can do for you here:

    • Keep your skin supple – with hydrating and nourishing attributes, you can use apple slices and rub them on your skin until there is no more juice on the slice.
    • Improve your complexion – eating apples help you to get rid of excess oil and pathogens.
    • Treats blemishes, dark spots, and acne – you can refrigerate a slice of apple and then mash it with a spoon of milk, and use the paste daily on your skin.
    • Need a natural toner – balancing the skin’s PH levels; you can use the pulp of a raw apple and combine it with apple cider vinegar and use cotton wool to dab it on your face.
    • Own moisturizer – make an apple puree with sour cream and honey and moisturize your face daily.
    • Apple face mask – yes, you can even make a face mask by drying the peels and then milling them into a powder, then mixing them with buttermilk (3 spoons) into a smooth paste. Keep on the skin for about 25 minutes and rinse with cold water.

    Bottom Line

    The saying: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” might just have some truth to it, don’t you think? I hope this article gives you some insight for you to enjoy your apple a day in any way you prefer to prepare, eat, use or share it. Stay healthy!

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