Retinoids: The Key to Anti-Aging?


Retinoids are achieving great renown for their anti-aging properties. Do they deserve this kind of applause? Are these chemicals truly all that they’re made out to be? Does this discovery have the ability to reverse wrinkles, crows’ feet, and other signs of getting older? Let’s have a closer look at this fascinating group of elements.

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What Are Retinoids?
Retinoids are a group of chemical compounds that are produced from, derived from, or closely related to Vitamin A. There are three generations of them. However, each one is slightly more distantly related to the original compound.

What can Retinoids Do?
In all honesty, this is a complicated question which we will divide into two parts: ‘What do people think retinoids can do?’ and ‘What are retinoids truly capable of?’. As with most wonder drugs or surprising chemical elements that come to light, there is a vast difference between what is valid and what is assumed.

What do People Think Retinoids Can Do?
Since these Vitamers came to light, they have been lauded for doing everything from restoring cancer cells to defoliating your skin and criticized for giving you sunburn. Unfortunately, this excessive reputation is the fate of every new compound that shows merit from a clinical perspective.

What Are Retinoids Capable Of?
Nonetheless, retinoids do offer some fantastic advantages.

It is a proven fact that these compounds help to clear up free radicals in the cells of the dermis and epidermis. At the same time, these chemicals help to regulate epithelial growth. Furthermore, they help to build the retentive abilities of skin cells. They can also stimulate collagen creation and help treat acne. But, are they suitable as an anti-aging treatment?

Anti-Aging: Will Retinoids Help?
Anti-aging is often used misleadingly. There is no way to truly reverse the tracks of time, no magical elixir to reverse its effects, and no fountain of youth to give you eternal longevity.

That being said, it is possible to mask some of the effects of aging. Coincidentally, retinoids genuinely are a respected choice for this kind of treatment. Their ability to regulate skin cells’ water-retention properties, ramp up collagen production, clear up problems with free radicals, and finetune the cycle whereby cells are replaced all make them an excellent prospect.

Are All Retinoids the Same?
Just as various members of a human family vary from one generation to the next, and from person to person, these chemical compounds do as well. An enormous amount of them exist that are classified as retinoids, and no two are the same.

Some retinoids like retinol are commonly used in everything from eye creams to wrinkle treatments. These are the over the counter ones that can be purchased from any pharmacy. These kinds very rarely have potential side effects and are considered to be quite harmless.

However, other retinoids are more powerful, have more potential for harm, and can only be obtained with a subscription.

As you can see, there are many differences in this class of chemical compounds, making it difficult to state their characteristics as a group conclusively.

Should You Buy Over The Counter Retinoids?
Even though most over the counter products contain small amounts of relatively harmless varieties, we suggest going to a doctor or dermatologist before using these chemicals. We make this recommendation, not necessarily because the compounds can be harmful, but because a doctor will help you choose the right product for your skin.

If you decide that you would like to use over the counter products, it’s always a good idea to do a test before using the product. Apply the new product to a small patch of skin, and cover it with a bandage or plaster overnight. If you haven’t had any adverse reactions after 24 hours of wearing the product, you can assume that the product is probably safe for you to use.

While scientists look for the pharmaceutical unicorn that is the elixir of eternal youth, few options are available. We are doomed to age, some slower and others more quickly. However, there are ways to mask the effects, and retinoids are a fantastic option.

We strongly advise consulting a dermatologist before deciding which kind of treatment is best for you.