
How to Whiten Your Teeth with Strawberries

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Strawberries, or also known scientifically by the name of Fragaria vesca , are the fruit of a perennial plant called strawberry, which is currently grown in Europe, temperate climates in Asia and some regions of the Americas. Strawberries or strawberries, in addition to being a delicious food, have traditionally been used as a medicinal remedy for different health problems due to their various properties, such as their astringent action and their excellent antioxidant power.

Properties of strawberries for teeth

Strawberries are a fruit that is composed of nutrients such as: flavonoids (catechins and quercetin), fiber, tannins, minerals (potassium, selenium, zinc, calcium, copper and magnesium) and vitamins (A, B2, B3, B9, and C and AND). All this nutritional richness makes the properties of strawberries for teeth are as follows:

  • Strawberries have a compound called malic acid, which contains excellent properties for whitening and cleaning teeth.
  • This substance, also called Xylitol, is a metabolized polyalcohol that gives this fruit antibacterial properties and prevents and protects our teeth from harmful microorganisms.
  • They also have properties that stimulate the circulation of blood in the gums, which translates into having healthier teeth and provided protection against possible decay.
  • Its nutritional richness also provides excellent anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for treating other oral problems such as bleeding gums, inflammations and / or sensitivity in the teeth.
  • Finally, its source in tannins gives us astringent properties that protects us from tartar, bad breath and tooth decay.

Whiten teeth with baking soda and strawberries

One of the remedies for teeth whitening with more effective strawberries is to make a paste composed of strawberries and baking soda. We use baking soda for this recipe because it is a very potent natural bleach and also prevents other problems, such as halitosis and bleeding gums.

Ingredients and material

  • 1 ripe strawberry
  • 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 toothbrush


  1. We crush and crush, with the help of a spoon, a ripe strawberry until it is well undone.
  2. We add half a tablespoon of baking soda and mix it, either with a fork or through a blender. We will have our toothpaste ready.
  3. Once the paste is made, we will soak our toothbrush with the mixture. It is advisable to use a soft bristle brush.
  4. Now brush your teeth with this homemade paste for 2 minutes and rinse your mouth with water.
  5. Finally, brush your teeth with the toothpaste you use regularly.

This strawberry and baking soda paste can be used twice a week. In addition, it is recommended that, after brushing the enamel, use a mouthwash for proper oral hygiene.

How to whiten your teeth with strawberries, white clay and mint

In this homemade toothpaste we will use natural ingredients, ideal for our teeth, such as white clay and mint. On the one hand, white clay contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that will help us whiten tooth enamel, in addition to strengthening our gums preventing bleeding. On the other hand, mint is used in many recipes for its aromatic properties that will make our mouth give off a very pleasant smell.


  • 2 ripe strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons white clay
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil

Preparation and treatment

  1. Take two ripe strawberries and crush them with the help of a blender. If you do not have this utensil, take a fork and crush them to form a kind of pasta.
  2. Add to the strawberry paste, two tablespoons of white clay and two drops of peppermint essential oil. Now mix everything very well and you will have your homemade toothpaste ready.
  3. To use it, soak your toothbrush in it and brush them for a few minutes. When finished let it act on the denture 1 or 2 minutes and rinse with water.
  4. Finally, brush your tooth enamel in the usual way. It is recommended that you then use a mouthwash to give your teeth an extra cleaning.

This natural remedy should only be used 1 to 2 times a week.

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